Mixed Media Ladies

Whimsical Girl - Happy Easter
 In this mixed media art journal page video, I decided to go with the theme of Easter and create an Easter bunny whimsical girl.
I have used the Neo2 30 pallet for the colours I used, if you haven’t got these you can simplify it by using:• A skin colour• Pink• Purple• BrownFor the background I have used my Brusho in the colour Orange and Yellow, I then added a stamped egg over the top in Red and Yellow.

Whimsical Girl - Mixed Media

In this video I draw a really basic whimsical girl, I wanted her to be a mixed media girl so I did the background first using Brusho.
They create a really interesting and easy background to work with, the large colour bursts I changed into flowers by using my white pen to outline them.From there I used my brown watercolour pencil to draw her face and add some shadow, she was really easy to make and took about 15 minutes to create, I hope you like her.

Embrace Failure
In this video I designed a whimsical girl in my mixed media art journal. I wanted her face to take the majority of the picture up and I had found a quote I liked, Embrace Failure which I think is a really important message for everyone.

Asian Beauty
In this video I have designed a whimsical picture of an Asian beauty. I decided I wanted her to have sticks in her hair, I used beads and perfect pearls for the bits hanging off the sticks. I am eventually going to put all these girls into a loose leaf journal I am making so stay tuned for that.


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