Mixed Media Art Journal page - Asian Beauty

Hey everyone,

So today I decided I wanted to draw a whimsical girl but a different then usual and decided to draw a Asian beauty. I love how she turned out and I think she is one of my favourite girls I have made so far.
The main thing I used for this lady was Caran D'ache watercolour crayons mixed with gesso, most people use white paint to mix but I like using gesso as it creates a texture for when I add pencil crayon after for detail.
For the background I have used Brusho which are my new favourite for creating backgrounds, unfortunately with these you never really see them on offer they are always between £15 - £20. However you only ever use a very small amount, so if your interested in intense watercolour I highly suggest you check these out.

I always use the Caran D'ache to create the base skin for my girls, I have tried many different crayons and I also love using the Crayola ones from America, but I really think if you are into colouring and want to create beautiful watercolour which also can be used on stamps, check out the Caran D'ache.

And now for my beauty, I have attached the link below to my video. I would love you to check her out and please subscribe while you are over there, I would love to have you as a subscriber.
Hope to see you over there
Much love




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