Mixed Media Dictionary Page - Elephant

Hey everyone,

I have decided to dive back into my dictionary art journal and this time I have moved onto the letter E. So I decided to draw an elephant.
I have used Artbars made by Dewent to colour my elephant. When using anything like this on a thin piece of dictionary paper you want to use very little water.

Colours I used:

  • Beige
  • Blue Lace
  • Raw Umber
  • Dark Indigo
  • Opaque White
  • Dark Forest
  • Black
  • Pralrle
  • Burnt Umber

You dont need to use all these colours but I was making the elephant up as I was going along so used more colours then what I actually probably needed.

I have attached the video down below so please go over and have a watch, and if you are not already please subscribe to my You Tube channel

much love 


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