Belly Band For My Journal

So Had one of those busy days where I felt like I was doing loads of things but not actually completing anything!!
Decided to do another clear out of my craft room and I found a journal where the string was broken. There was only a very few pages used in the journal so I decided to instead of gutting the book I would make a Belly band for the journal.
I cut some material slightly shorter then the journal so the elastic would hold tight.
I am a hoarder of chip board, for some reason it is expensive to buy in the UK so I didn't want to use that, so I decided to cut 2 pieces of foam and glue them together. It actually worked even better and it worked out cheaper!! so a win win situation all around.
I then got out all my metal embellishments and used up ones that I didn't really like or that I have loads of.
I finally filled up the gaps with pearls.
I love the final outcome of the belly band and will definitely be making more, if you would like a tutorial on making one of these then just leave a comment and I will be sure to get one made :)


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