Son and daughter-in-law Christmas card

I have on average two private commissions a week through my Facebook and etsy shop.
Today I am doing an order for several different types of Christmas cards.

I thought it would be good to show how I make my Christmas cards and show the mess that goes with it!!! Lol
Watching you tube they always seem to be working in very clean areas and it can sometimes be off putting, but the truth is a lot of you tube videos are rehearsed so they are not designing on the go.

So how do I make my cards?????
What I normally do is ask the client what sort of theme they would like, this card needed to be a traditional card with an old fashioned theme. So first I get out all the papers and toppers with this style.

I then think about colour themes that will go with the toppers and papers, as you can see on the left of the picture I have decided to use a gold ribbon.

Once I chose my main background paper I added the gold ribbon roughly in the middle to break the background paper up, but I decided the gold was too harsh so I added a thinner silver ribbon on top.

Because of the background I decided I wanted the card toppers to be very simple, as many are aware the rule of 3 is important so I decided to use 3 toppers.
The toppers in this picture above have both been raised with foam squares to add a bit of dimension to the card.
I then also decided I wanted another background for the card so I used a dark blue paper which is cut a 1/4 of an inch bigger then the original paper.

I finished off the card with an inlay on the inside, and I stamped the message "wishing you a merry Christmas."

Once I glued all the card together I cornered off the two bottom corners and the card is complete.
This is a very simple card as requested but the use of gold colours and ribbon gives the card a more luxurious feel.

If you have any questions please feel free to commen below.

Leah x


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