Neo love and crazy hair lady - whimsical faces tutorials

Hey everyone,

Well somehow I managed to miss yesterday’s post, even though I had it all written in pink writing with little love hearts around in my planner.

For some reason yesterday escaped me, I am currently into my 3rd day of no sleep at all (not even a cat nap) and I was planning on making loads of videos last night seen as I couldn’t sleep, but ended up watching Behind Mansion Gates on YouTube.
Now if you have a few cray crays in your family, watch an episode of that program and I promise you your family will seem normal!!

Ok so what you really stumbled here to see, here are two YouTube videos I have already uploaded onto my YouTube page. (if you’re not already a subscriber, please do it makes me so happy)

 The first video has all been created with Neo 2 watercolour crayons, now I love these but as you can see from the video I use a watercolour brush the travel type, because you really do not want too much water when using these babies.

I am using the 30 palette so as many have you already have this palette I have not typed out the colours used, but of course if anyone wants to know the exact colours just let me know and I will do that for you.

The second video is my favourite and I am calling her a bohemian girl because her hair is awesome!! I know it’s not to everyone’s taste but I love it.

Again I have been using the Neo 2 colours but instead of water I have used them with white gesso, I love gesso it is so forgiving and much better than using white paint. Reason why I say this is because it gives tooth to the paper so you can layer over the top of your picture with pencils.

If any of you lovely ladies or gents have any questions comment below this post or on my YouTube videos and I will get back to you ASAP.

Much Love



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